Unleashing Attendant Services for People with Physical Disabilities: Better quality of service at a lower cost to the health system (Ontario Attendant Services Advisory Committee, 2010)
By the Numbers: A statistical profile of people with mental health and addiction disabilities in Ontario (Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), 2015)
Minds that Matter: Report on the consultation on human rights, mental health and addictions (OHRC, 2012)
"Next Stop, Accessibility" Report on the public transit stop announcements in Ontario (OHRC, 2008)
World Report on Disability (World Health Organization (WHO), 2011)
Releasing Constraints: Projecting the economic impacts of increased accessibility in Ontario (Martin Prosperity Institute, 2010)
Impact: Changing the Way We View Disability: The history, perspective, and vision of the independent living movement in Canada (John Lord, 2010) Available from CILT ($35)
The Freedom to Move Is Life Itself : A report on transportation in Ontario (Ontario Advisory Council on the Physically Handicapped and Ontario Advisory Council on Senior Citizens, 1987) Available through the Toronto Public Library